
My team and I are here to assist local groups and organisations to apply for available grant funding.
If you have a query about a specific grant please do not hesitate to contact my office. Fill out the contact form and we will be in touch to assist however we can.
See below a selection of available grants.
Please note this list is updated intermittently, and may not include all available grants for you or your organisation.

Local Grants
Funding Providers: A L Lane Foundation
Location: Warrnambool
Funding Type: Cash grant G03752
Primary Category: Community development
Eligible to: Not-for-Profits
Funding: Total pool: undisclosed
Round(s): Ongoing
The A.L. Lane Foundation provides grants to support worthwhile charitable, educational and community projects within the Warrnambool region.
The A L Foundation was established by the late Alan Lane for the benefit of charitable purposes in Warrnambool and its district.
Applicants should provide as much information as is considered necessary to support the application. Attachment of large quantities of material should be avoided.
Applicants should be aware that the limited funds of the Foundation do not allow for all proposals of merit to be funded. An unsuccessful application does not necessarily mean that it was not well regarded by the Trustees.
In the case of such applications, where appropriate, the Foundation will lend its assistance and identify other funding sources that may be available.
Applications for a grant from The A L Foundation should be made in writing. Applications are considered quarterly and should be lodged by 10 March, 10 June, 10 September or 10 December.
Organisations in Warnambool and its district.
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Mail, Online
Website: The A.L. Lane Foundation Warrnambool | Community Grants (
Application: A.L. Lane Foundation Warrnambool | Community Grants (
Contact Details
Felicity Melican
Address: PO Box 217 WARRNAMBOOL 3280 VIC
Phone: (03) 5564 0519
Email: [email protected]
Funding Providers: Warrnambool City Council
Location: Waverley, Warrnambool
Funding Type: Cash grant G07148
Primary Category: Community development
Eligible to: Unincorporated Groups, Individuals
Funding: Amount (max): $1,000 (Total pool: undisclosed)
Round(s): Ongoing
National or international sporting event grants are delivered by Warrnambool City Council to provide opportunities for residents to support individuals participating at an elite level to achieve their sporting goals.
Applications for Individual or Group Assistance Fund is open annually until the grant allocation is expended.
Funding for national competitions is up to $300 for an Individual and up to $500 for a Team.
Funding for international competitions is up to $700 for an Individual or up to $1,000 for a Team.
To be eligible to apply for an Individual assistance fund grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Applications must be received at least six weeks before the start of the competition.
- Applicants must be a resident of Warrnambool City.
- Applicants must be supported by an eligible organisation officially recognised by the Australian Sports Commission Sports Directory
- Applicants must have fully acquitted previous completed grants and have no outstanding debts to Warrnambool City Council.
- Activities must take place within 12 months of receiving the grant.
- Individual applicants are only be eligible to apply for assistance every second year.
- Officials / referees / coaches are ineligible.
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Online
Website: Assistance to individuals or groups | Warrnambool City Council
Guidelines: 3446 IAF guidelines 2023.pdf (
Contact Details
Phone: 5559 4800
Email: [email protected]
Funding Providers: Glenelg Shire
Location: Glenelg
Funding Type: Cash grant G11192
Primary Category: Community development
Eligible to: Unincorporated Groups, Not-for-Profits
Funding: Amount (max): $500 (Total pool: undisclosed)
Round(s): Opened 31-Jul-2023 Closes 30-Jun-2024
Last Round: Closed 30-Jun-2023
Minor requests may be available for community groups and organisations for activities, projects and programs that are of an extraordinary nature that do not align with normal grant timeframes.
The aim of the Community Grants program is to assist community organisations and groups to undertake activities and provide facilities for the benefit of the citizens and residents of the Shire, as identified in key council plans and strategy. Aligning with Council plans and strategies should be considered when you commence planning your project. A copy of the Glenelg Shire Council Plan is available from Council offices and can be viewed online at the Glenelg Shire website.
Minor Community Grant requests may be available for community groups and organisations for activities, projects and programs that are of an extraordinary nature that did not align with normal grant timeframes. Applications may be up to a maximum of $500 from a club or group for a nominated project.
All groups/organisations applying must be incorporated, or auspiced by an incorporated organisation. Groups and organisations interested in becoming incorporated should contact Consumer Affairs Victoria.
To be eligible for funding, intending applicants must:
Be a small to medium non-profit organisation or “grass roots” volunteer based community group or organisation. Individuals and private profit-making organisations are not eligible.
Be incorporated or auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation. i.e. an organisation that does not have an outstanding Community Grants acquittal or debts owing to Council.
Supply a Public Liability Insurance Certificate (minimum $10million) if applying for a grant of $2,000 or more and/or if applying for the use of Council owned facilities.
Be an organisation seeking funding for a project that is within the Glenelg Shire region.
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Online
Website: Minor Community Grants | Glenelg Shire Council
Guidelines: minor-community-grants-guidelines-2023.pdf (
Contact Details
Phone: 0355 222 207
Email: [email protected]
Funding Providers: Regional Development Victoria
Location: Glenelg
Funding Type: Cash grant G12200
Primary Category: Community development
Eligible to: Businesses, Not-for-Profits, TAFEs, Local Governments, Universities
Funding: Amount: undisclosed to undisclosed (Total pool: $7,500,000)
Round(s): Ongoing
The Portland Diversification Fund looks to leverage existing and emerging opportunities to maximise the benefits of economic diversification, growth, and resilience in the Portland/Glenelg Shire economy.
This initiative is consistent with the principle of place-based structural adjustment support; will be delivered in collaboration with the local government, local industry, business, and the community; and has the following strategic objectives:
- Improved economic resilience of the Glenelg Shire;
- Reduced impediments to economic diversification in the Glenelg Shire;
- Increased diversity of employment opportunities in the Glenelg Shire;
- Increased business investment confidence in the Glenelg Shire; and
- Drive long-term economic growth in the Glenelg Shire through support of key economic development projects and the delivery of community-led responses to social and economic challenges.
Available funding
The funding ratio for planning activities is Victorian Government $4 : $1 Other. To note: planning/feasibility activities will be required to be completed within a 12-month period. The funding ratio for capital projects is Victorian Government $2 : $1 Other.
Funding available is capped at $500,000 excluding GST per activity, however applications will be accepted for larger funding requests and will be considered on a case-by-case basis considering the level of strategic importance of the resultant project for Glenelg Shire in driving economic growth and prosperity.
Applications that have high applicant contributions would be considered more favourably.
While joint investment with other Victorian Government program funding is encouraged, co-contributions from other sources to meet the required funding ratio must be derived from non-Victorian Government sources. In assessing the requested PDF funding level, the total Victorian Government contribution will be taken into consideration.
Community groups and social enterprises are eligible to claim in-kind contributions. The in-kind contribution will be capped at 25 per cent of the applicant’s contribution. Interested parties are encouraged to speak with Regional Development Victoria (RDV) Portland.
Contact the Portland RDV office to discuss your application
Types of eligible activities
Activities will only be considered where they will support the diversification of supply chains in the Glenelg Shire.
Strategic planning focusing on economic diversification of the Glenelg Shire.
Investigations into potential barriers to, or opportunities for, economic diversification in the Glenelg Shire (including, but not limited to, business cases and feasibility studies).
Implementation activities targeted at removing barriers to, or capitalising on opportunities for, economic diversification in the Glenelg Shire (including, but not limited to, program or service delivery, or infrastructure works).
Investment in existing businesses that will diversify operations to support growth and create jobs.
Targeted investment assistance and incentives for businesses to move to or expand into the Glenelg Shire involving new capital investment and job creation.
Investing in workforce skills and development to support diversification in business or industry, including addressing housing supply for workers which support diversification in business or industry.
Who can apply?
Grant applications will be considered from:
- Private sector businesses (note: Aboriginal businesses are encouraged to apply);
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations operating businesses;
- Charities and incorporated not-for-profit organisations, including community groups;
- Business and industry groups including:
- Chambers of commerce and business associations;
- Industry peak bodies; and
- Business and industry clusters and networks.
- Chambers of commerce and business associations;
- Traditional Owner/Custodians groups;
- TAFE institutions and universities;
- Utility and services providers;
- Water corporations;
- Local Government Authorities; and
- Other organisations agreed by Regional Development Victoria at its discretion.
Who cannot apply?
- Victorian Government departments and agencies;
- Government departments and agencies outside Victoria;
- Commonwealth Government departments and agencies;
- Unincorporated organisations or joint ventures, unless under an auspice arrangement where the auspicor accepts legal responsibility for the project and any agreement entered into under the PDF, (see above); and
- Individuals (who are not eligible to apply either as a sole applicant or as an auspicee).
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Email
Website: Portland Diversification Fund - Regional Development Victoria (
Guidelines: Program-Guidelines-Portland-Diversification-Fund.pdf (
Contact Details
Phone: (+61 3) 9623 1300
Email: [email protected]
Funding Providers: Glenelg Shire
Location: Glenelg
Funding Type: Cash grant G10589
Primary Category: Heritage and history
Eligible to: Unincorporated, Not-for-profits, Groups, Individuals
Funding: Amount (max): $5,000 (Total pool: undisclosed)
Round(s): Ongoing
The aim of the Scheme is to provide grants which will help fund restoration works to recognised buildings, sites or objects of heritage value in the Glenelg Shire in order to promote the conservation and protection of these buildings, sites or objects.
How much can I apply for?
Funding is available on a dollar for dollar co-contribution basis for projects of any value
- Heritage listed property (individually listed) - maximum grant $5000
- Heritage property within heritage precinct or place defined by Heritage Advisor - maximum grant $3000
What type of work is eligible?
- Urgent works which are necessary to ensure the survival of the building or structure;
- Reconstruction work;
Conservation works on contributory or individually listed places of heritage significance
Applications under this scheme will only be considered if they meet the following criteria:
The project involves carrying out work on either:
- a heritage asset, object or place listed in the Glenelg Planning Scheme’s Heritage Overlay, or
- a heritage asset, object or place proposed for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay, or
- a heritage asset, object or place as defined by the Glenelg Shire heritage advisor
- Where required, a planning permit has been obtained or applied for
- Where required, a building permit has been obtained or applied for
- Or the project involves other requirements as recommended by the Heritage Advisor
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Online
Website: Heritage Grant Scheme | Glenelg Shire Council
Contact Details
Phone: 03 5522 2187
Email: [email protected]
Funding Providers: Glenelg Shire
Location: Glenelg
Funding Type: Cash grant G08100
Primary Category: Sport and recreation
Eligible to: Individuals
Funding: Amount (max): $2,100 (Total pool: undisclosed)
Round(s): Opened 01-Jul-2023 Closes 30-Jun-2024
Last Round: Closed 30-Jun-2023
The Glenelg Junior Sport Trust provides financial support for individual athletes or teams who have been selected to represent at state, national or international level in their chosen sport aged up to 18 years of age inclusive.
Council will consider applications for assistance to participate in an activity/event with the maximum funding allocations to be provided for the following categories.
- Individual: Victorian - $500 | Interstate - $700 | International - $1,000
- Team: Victorian - $1,000 | Interstate - $1,500 | International - $3,000
The funding amount shall be no greater than fifty percent of the costs to be incurred by the applicant in attending the nominated activity/event.
If an applicant or team costs to participate is $500 the applicant or team will be eligible to receive $250. If the costs incurred are greater than the maximum funding allocations, applicants will only be eligible for the maximum amount referred to in the table above.
Applications for assistance greater than these amounts will not be considered by Council.
Applicants who are residents of Glenelg Shire that are selected for a South Australian based event/activity are eligible to claim. Such applications will have representation for the South Australian based team considered as being ‘home state’ representation.
Applications are open to the Glenelg Junior Sport Trust all year round.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant(s) is a resident of Glenelg Shire at the time of the application.
- Applications must be received at least three weeks before the start of the activity/event.
- Applicant(s) must have fully acquitted previous completed grants and have no outstanding debts to the Glenelg Shire.
- The activity/event must take place within 12 months of receiving the grant.
Applications / Guidelines
Application methods: Online
Website: Glenelg Shire Junior Sport Trust | Glenelg Shire Council
Guidelines: ecm_2235544_v3_glenelg_junior_sports_trust_guidelines_2021.docx (
Contact Details
Phone: 5522 2172
Email: [email protected]
State Government Grants
Regional Development Victoria
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA)
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Sport and Recreation Victoria
Agriculture Victoria
Creative Victoria